Who is Langdale Capital Assets?
Langdale Capital is a diversified holding company ranging from land to auto dealerships to commercial and residential properties.
William P. Langdale, Jr.
William P. Langdale, Jr. is the Chairman of the Board of Langdale Capital Assets. William P. Langdale, Jr. is also actively involved in many of the affiliate companies.
William P. Langdale, III
William P. Langdale, III is the President and CFO of Langdale Capital Assets, as well as many of its affiliate companies. He can be reached at the office at 229-293-7822.
Hal Goodin
Hal Goodin is currently the Land Manager of Langdale Capital Assets. His primary responsibility is overseeing the land holdings, timber production, hunting and farm leases. He may be reached at our office at 229-293-7822
Evelyn Langdale
Evelyn is responsible for overseeing daily operations for several of the businesses owned by Langdale Capital Assets. She can be reached at 229-560-1083, evelynlangdale@langdalecapital.com

W.P “Billy” Langdale Family Foundation
The W.P. Billy Langdale Foundation is a charitable foundation in honor of W.P. “Billy” Langdale, Sr. It is controlled by members of Billy Langdale’s family. Its purpose is to give back to the citizens of Lowndes County through charitable efforts which will make a difference in the lives of our citizens. Billy Langdale served our community and State with distinction, serving as Lowndes County Commission Chairman, and then serving on the Georgia Department of Transportation. Highway 133 which connects Valdosta with Moultrie, and Albany, Ga, is named in his honor and recognition for his service to our State and this community. Billy was well known throughout Georgia, and known for his generosity, and willingness to help others. He always put others interest before his own, and cared deeply for the needs of our citizens. It is with honor that we have this opportunity to give back to our community in his name.
Contact Langdale Capital Assets
Tower, Hunting, Pine Straw Leases, Land Use
Hal Goodin:
(229) 293-7822 (office)
(352) 275-4243 (cell)
North Point Industrial, Savannah Industrial
Wrenn Blalock:
Valdosta Flying Service
Billy Lewis:
(229) 242-3175
Palmetto Pecan
Ed Wood:
(229) 539-1168
Langdale Ford
Mark Howell:
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